Satana, Nil S.Demirel-Pegg, Tijen2018-08-072018-08-072018Satana, Nil, and, Tijen Demirel-Pegg (2018), “Military Counterterrorism Measures, Civil-Military Relations, and Democracy: The Cases of Turkey and the U.S.,” Studies in Conflict and Terrorism. (Preprint.) study examines how military counter-terrorism (CT) measures affect the quality of democracy by altering civil-military relations (CMR) and focuses on civil-military relations as the main causal mechanism. We argue that the use of a military approach in counter-terrorism jeopardizes democracy at the societal level by increasing the belief that only the military is equipped to deal with the threat at hand. Therefore, erosions of civil liberties are tolerated in exchange for security. Second, we argue that military CT measures change the balance between the military and executive powers in procedural and liberal democracies. While the military’s executive power increases in procedural democracies, the civilian ruler’s control of the military power increases in liberal ones. Case studies of the U.S. and Turkey show that a military counter-terrorism approach affects CMR in these countries, which generate a similar tradeoff between security and the quality of democracy, albeit via different causal mechanisms. While that tradeoff is less severe in the U.S., Turkey is more vulnerable to erosion of democracy.en-USIUPUI Open Access PolicyCounterterrorismCivil-Military RelationsDemocracyTurkeyUnited States of AmericaMilitary Counterterrorism Measures, Civil–Military Relations, and Democracy: The Cases of Turkey and the United StatesArticle