Zigon, BobZhu, LuodingSong, Fengguang2018-03-072018-03-072018-01Zigon, B., Zhu, L., & Song, F. (2018). Interactive 3D simulation for fluid–structure interactions using dual coupled GPUs. The Journal of Supercomputing, 74(1), 37–64. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-017-2103-xhttps://hdl.handle.net/1805/15400The scope of this work involves the integration of high-speed parallel computation with interactive, 3D visualization of the lattice-Boltzmann-based immersed boundary method for fluid–structure interaction. An NVIDIA Tesla K40c is used for the computations, while an NVIDIA Quadro K5000 is used for 3D vector field visualization. The simulation can be paused at any time step so that the vector field can be explored. The density and placement of streamlines and glyphs are adjustable by the user, while panning and zooming is controlled by the mouse. The simulation can then be resumed. Unlike most scientific applications in computational fluid dynamics where visualization is performed after the computations, our software allows for real-time visualizations of the flow fields while the computations take place. To the best of our knowledge, such a tool on GPUs for FSI does not exist. Our software can facilitate debugging, enable observation of detailed local fields of flow and deformation while computing, and expedite identification of ‘correct’ parameter combinations in parametric studies for new phenomenon. Therefore, our software is expected to shorten the ‘time to solution’ process and expedite the scientific discoveries via scientific computing.enPublisher Policylattice Boltzmann methodthe immersed boundary methodGPU computingInteractive 3D simulation for fluid–structure interactions using dual coupled GPUsArticle