Macy, Katharine V.Coates, Heather L.2018-01-112018-01-112017-04-19Macy, KV, Coates, HL. (2017). Curriculum mapping: Creating options for integrating DIL into a degree program. PowerPoint presentation at the RDAP17: Research Data & Preservation Summit. Seattle, Washington. in undergraduate and graduate programs need to develop data information literacy (DIL) in order to be successful in their personal and professional lives. However, finding space for new content in curricula that are already full presents a challenge. Curriculum mapping can reveal where DIL naturally complements existing learning objectives and assist in identifying potential gaps. The process of mapping DIL competencies to a curriculum provides librarians with a deeper understanding of a discipline through detailed analysis of how existing course assignments may be adapted to incorporate elements of DIL. A curriculum map can also facilitate better communication between librarians and faculty as they determine the best strategy for integrating instruction. The panelists will discuss how they have used curriculum mapping within an undergraduate business program and a master of public health program to develop integration strategies, foster communication with faculty, and devise relevant disciplinary examples that resonate with students’ personal and professional lives. Presentation presented as part of the Curricular Challenges and Data Information Literacy panel at RDAP17.enacademic librariesbusinessdata information literacyinformation literacyinstructionpublic healthCurriculum mapping: Creating options for integrating DIL into a degree programPresentation