Kumi, Emmanuel2024-09-272024-09-272024-09-30Kumi, E. (2024). A Literature Review of African Philanthropy and Higher Education in Africa. Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.https://hdl.handle.net/1805/43648https://doi.org/10.7912/ypcj-jg09To date, there have been no sustained empirical studies on the nuances of the role of African philanthropy in promoting higher education in Africa, the nature of the African philanthropic landscape in higher education, or the opportunities and challenges for financing higher education in Africa. These issues have not been fully studied and recognized in the existing philanthropic and higher education literature. This study, therefore, seeks to provide a thorough review of literature on these issues.en-USAfricaInternational PhilanthropyPhilanthropy in AfricaHigher EducationA Literature Review of African Philanthropy and Higher Education in AfricaReport