Västermark, ÅkeRask-Andersen, MathiasSawant, Rahul S.Reiter, Jill L.Schiöth, Helgi B.Williams, Michael J.2017-02-242017-02-242013-11VÄSTERMARK, Å., RASK-ANDERSEN, M., SAWANT, R. S., REITER, J. L., SCHIÖTH, H. B., & WILLIAMS, M. J. (2013). Insulin receptor-like ectodomain genes and splice variants are found in both arthropods and human brain cDNA. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 51(6), 664–670. http://doi.org/10.1111/jse.120481674-4918https://hdl.handle.net/1805/11979Truncated receptor ectodomains have been described for several classes of cell surface receptors, including those that bind to growth factors, cytokines, immunoglobulins, and adhesion molecules. Soluble receptor isoforms are typically generated by proteolytic cleavage of the cell surface receptor or by alternative splicing of RNA transcripts arising from the same gene encoding the full-length receptor. Both the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and the insulin receptor (INSR) families produce soluble receptor splice variants in vertebrates and truncated forms of insulin receptor-like sequences have previously been described in Drosophila. The EGFR and INSR ectodomains share significant sequence homology with each other suggestive of a common evolutionary origin. We discovered novel truncated insulin receptor-like variants in several arthropod species. We performed a phylogenetic analysis of the conserved extracellular receptor L1 and L2 subdomains in invertebrate species. While the segregation of insulin receptor-like L1 and L2 domains indicated that an internal domain duplication had occurred only once, the generation of truncated insulin receptor-like sequences has occurred multiple times. The significance of this work is the previously unknown and widespread occurrence of truncated isoforms in arthropods, signifying that these isoforms play an important functional role, potentially related to such isoforms in mammals.en-USPublisher PolicyDrosophilaINSRINSRRTribolium castaneumectodomainreceptor L domainInsulin receptor-like ectodomain genes and splice variants are found in both arthropods and human brain cDNAArticle