Norton, Kelli2015-12-292015-12-292012-04-13Kelli Norton. (2012, April 13). IN-D Link. Poster session presented at IUPUI Research Day 2012, Indianapolis, Indiana. abstractIncreasing evidence shows that persons with diabetes can significantly improve their health by modest changes in their lifestyle, particularly those aimed at increasing their physical activity and reducing their weight.IN-D Link is a pilot program at the IU School of Medicine Diabetes Translational Research Center that aims to streamline the process of connecting people with type 2 diabetes to community wellness resources. IN-D link has nearly 800 resources drawn from Marion, Madison, Hamilton and Hancock counties. The resources are organized by location, cost and type to guide people to better nutrition, physical activity, support services and other resources that can improve the quality of life for those with type 2 diabetes. IN-D Link is a free service and can help physicians save time while providing the most current resource information to patients.en-USIN-D LinkIU School of Medicine Diabetes Translational Research Centertype 2 diabetescommunity wellness resourceshealthIN-D LinkPoster