Wilson, Jeremy J.Monaghan, G. William2014-10-022014-10-022014-04-11Wilson, J.J., Monaghan, G.W. (2014, April 11). Anthropogenic Transformation at Angel Mounds: Construction, Chronology and Context for Mounds A and F. Poster session presented at IUPUI Research Day 2014, Indianapolis, Indiana.https://hdl.handle.net/1805/5175Investigations at Angel Mounds since 2005 have tackled a series of questions related to anthropogenic transformation, the built landscape and mound construction. During the 2013 NSF-sponsored research, investigations focused on Mound A’s lower platform and the reopening of Mound F. Results from these investigations revealed a series of use-surfaces on Mound A’s lower platform with evidence for burning episodes that were followed by reconstruction. Excavations on Mound F also revealed a burning episode associated with a structure on the “inner mound,” as well as a sub-mound structure and features demonstrating use of the space prior to mound construction.en-USAngel Moundsanthropogenic transformationAnthropogenic Transformation at Angel Mounds: Construction, Chronology and Context for Mounds A and FOther