Ene, EstelaGoff, PhilRebein, RobertSheeler, Kristina HornUpton, Thomas A. (Thomas Albin)Wilson, Jeffrey S.2017-07-172017-07-172016-09-16Phil Goff, Robert Rebein, Kristy Sheeler, and Estela Ene, and Thom Upton. (2016 Sep 16). PACES: Promoting Advancement through a Culture of Encouragement & Support. Poster presented at IUPUI Mentoring Academy Fall Symposium. Office of Academic Affairs, IUPUI, Indianapolis, IN.https://hdl.handle.net/1805/13479https://doi.org/10.7912/C2HH08This poster describes the progress and lessons learned as a result of newly implemented Faculty Mentoring Program in the School of Liberal Arts (IUPUI)Faculty DevelopmentPromotion and TenureMentoringHigher EducationSchool of Liberal Arts (IUPUI)PACES: Promoting Advancement through a Culture of Encouragement and SupportPoster10.7912/C2HH08