Herzog, Patricia Snell2020-08-142020-08-142019Herzog, P. S. (2019). Visual research methods: Integrating images in the study of social problems. In A. Marvasti & A. J. Trevino (Eds.), Researching Social Problems (pp. 172–187). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315107882-10https://hdl.handle.net/1805/23619This chapter explains how visuals enhance the study of social problems through four examples of data collection and research dissemination. The first example studies meaning differentiation by examining photographs that represent the concept of community. The second studies social isolation via network graphs of social media connectivity. In the third example, the problem of racial segregation is critically analyzed through maps that serve as visual tools for disseminating information about this social problem. The fourth example also considers visuals in the context of data dissemination, studying how the use of data visualization (“DataViz”) to teach undergraduates about income inequality impacts their behavior.enPublisher Policysocial problemsvisual research methodsimagesVisual Research Methods: Integrating Images in the Study of Social ProblemsArticle