Thornsberry, TannerNault Connors, JillWelch, JulieHayden, JulieHartwell, JenniferOber, MichaelSotto-Santiago, SylkDraucker, ClaireWasmuth, SallyBoustani, MalazOverley, AshleyMonahan, PatrickKroenke, Kurt2021-04-142021-04-142020-12Thornsberry, T., Connors, J. N., Welch, J., Hayden, J., Hartwell, J., Ober, M., ... & Kroenke, K. (2020). Addressing Mental Health Needs of Health Care Workers through Peer Support Groups During the COVID-19 Crisis. Proceedings of IMPRS, 3(1). PolicyAttribution 4.0 InternationalCOVID-19health care workerspeer supportAddressing Mental Health Needs of Health Care Workers through Peer Support Groups During the COVID-19 CrisisOther