Filippelli, Gabriel M.2018-06-082018-06-082018Filippelli, G. M. (2018). Balancing the Global Distribution of Phosphorus With a View Toward Sustainability and Equity. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 0(ja). in the geological reserves of phosphate rock, the source of fertilizer phosphorus, are not currently considered in agricultural practices or global trade, a very short‐sighted approach considering that there is no “alternative fuel” for plant growth. Thus, it is important to understand the science of phosphorus‐crop growth dynamics as a function of grain type, plant uptake, climate, and past fertilizer phosphorus application history. Recent work on modeling these factors on the global scale (Kvakić et al., 2018) provides the first scientific backdrop for developing an understanding of fertilizer phosphorus balances, and for informing forward‐looking practices and policies that regulate toward long‐term sustainability rather than short‐term profit.enPublisher Policyphosphorusglobal distributionsustainabilityBalancing the Global Distribution of Phosphorus With a View Toward Sustainability and EquityArticle