Buse, OlgutaLi, Jun2022-07-262022-07-262022-02-14Buse, O., & Li, J. (2022). Chambers in the symplectic cone and stability of symplectomorphism group for ruled surface (arXiv:2202.06795). arXiv. https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2202.06795https://hdl.handle.net/1805/29646We continue our previous work to prove that for any non-minimal ruled surface $(M,\omega)$, the stability under symplectic deformations of $\pi_0, \pi_1$ of $Symp(M,\omega)$ is guided by embedded $J$-holomorphic curves. Further, we prove that for any fixed sizes blowups, when the area ratio $\mu$ between the section and fiber goes to infinity, there is a topological colimit of $Symp(M,\omega_{\mu}).$ Moreover, when the blowup sizes are all equal to half the area of the fiber class, we give a topological model of the colimit which induces non-trivial symplectic mapping classes in $Symp(M,\omega) \cap \rm Diff_0(M),$ where $\rm Diff_0(M)$ is the identity component of the diffeomorphism group. These mapping classes are not Dehn twists along Lagrangian spheres.enPublisher PolicySymplectic GeometryMathematicsnon-minimal ruled surfaceChambers in the symplectic cone and stability of symplectomorphism group for ruled surfaceArticle