Hahn, Thomas2022-01-202022-01-202021-08-18Hahn, T. W. (2021). Assessing the Profiles through Written Reflections of Engaged Learning Experiences Using the AAC&U Written Communication and Integrative Learning VALUE Rubrics. ScholarWorks.https://hdl.handle.net/1805/27499This report describes an assessment activity within the IUPUI Institute for Engaged Learning (IEL) for students participating in IEL programs and the Life Health Sciences Internship (LHSI) Program during AY 2020-2021. The IEL Assessment Workgroup assessed written reflection artifacts of 124 students from 14 co-curricular programs. Using selected rows from the Written Communication and Integrative Learning VALUE Rubrics, the raters assessed the Communicator and Problem Solver Profiles of Undergraduate Learning. For Written Communication, overall results indicate that all of the student reflection artifacts at least met the benchmark for Control of Syntax and Mechanics. Nearly all (123 of 124) of the student reflection artifacts at least met the benchmark for Content Development. Overall, 99.6% of the scores for Written Communication met the benchmark. For Integrative Learning, nearly all of the student reflection artifacts (122 of 124) at least met the benchmark for Connections to Experiences. Likewise, nearly all of the student reflection artifacts (123 of 124) at least met the benchmark for Reflection and Self-Assessment. Overall, 98.8% of the scores for Integrative Learning met the benchmark.en-USassessmentrubricengaged learningaac&userviceresearchinternshipsintegrative learningcommunicationAssessing the Profiles through Written Reflections of Engaged Learning Experiences Using the AAC&U Written Communication and Integrative Learning VALUE RubricsReport