Macy, Katharine V.2019-08-082019-08-082019-08-09Macy, Katharine V. Using business analytics to support our values. Academic Libraries of Indiana Assessment Day, Muncie, IN, August 9, 2019. a world where average serial resource inflation is greater than 6% but budgets are stagnant or decreasing, there is pressure to maintain collections often at the expense of other library services. However, using by business analysis tools and techniques, we can change this trajectory as we work to maintain collections sustainably so that we can offer valuable services to our patrons (i.e. information literacy, digitization, open access support). This presentation will provide a framework for collection analysis and negotiation that goes beyond cost per use, integrating quantitative and qualitative data in order to understand the value individual resources provide. In addition, Ms. Macy will discuss how this work supports greater institutional goals and serves academic library values.Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United Statesacademic librarieslibrary assessmentbusiness analysiscollection assessmentlibrary managementUsing Business Analytics to Support Our ValuesPresentation