Meyer, ChristopherAhsan, SheheryarGupta, VinayakParham, AbigailPatel, HarshQureshi, Mariam2014-10-012014-10-012014-04-11Meyer, C., Ahsan, S., Gupta, V., Parham, A., Patel, H., Qureshi, M. (2014, April 11). Audemes: Exploring the Market Potential of a Sound Based Educational Tool. Poster session presented at IUPUI Research Day 2014, Indianapolis, Indiana. Audeme is a 3-5 second non-speech sound that is used to transmit information aurally. Originally created and tested at the Indiana School for the Blind and Visually Impaired by Dr. Steve Manheimmer, Audemes were used as an educational tool that was proven to increase memory retention. The goal for this project is to expand the scope of the project from a BVI market to the larger market of sighted individuals. Specifically, we aim to further our understanding of Audemes by applying it to one specific application, including gaming and productivity. The project has consisted of a literature review of Audemes and its possible market applications; interviews with industry experts, including start-up specialists and lastly, a survey of sound app markets on both Android and Apple to determine profitable market segments. Finally, students at IUPUI will be surveyed to determine the entertainment value and usability of AUDEMES with a sighted audience. Through this proof of concept, we will determine the most profitable area for Audemes development. After establishing this, the future medical prospects could include rehabilitation of individuals with brain damage, use in speech therapy, and use in Alzheimer’s patients to slow deterioration of neural tissue. Additionally, this could be used in the emerging e-book market as well as an educational tool for better memory retention.en-USaudemeseducational toolsmarketingmemory retentionAudemes: Exploring the Market Potential of a Sound Based Educational ToolOther