Lu, KangMukhin, Evgeny2018-10-122018-10-122018Lu, K., & Mukhin, E. (2018). On the Gaudin model of type G2. Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 1850012. derive a number of results related to the Gaudin model associated to the simple Lie algebra of type G2. We compute explicit formulas for solutions of the Bethe ansatz equations associated to the tensor product of an arbitrary finite-dimensional irreducible module and the vector representation. We use this result to show that the Bethe ansatz is complete in any tensor product where all but one factor are vector representations and the evaluation parameters are generic. We show that the points of the spectrum of the Gaudin model in type G2 are in a bijective correspondence with self-self-dual spaces of polynomials. We study the set of all self-self-dual spaces — the self-self-dual Grassmannian. We establish a stratification of the self-self-dual Grassmannian with the strata labeled by unordered sets of dominant integral weights and unordered sets of nonnegative integers, satisfying certain explicit conditions. We describe closures of the strata in terms of representation theory.enPublisher PolicyG2higher Gaudin HamiltoniansBethe ansatzOn the Gaudin model of type G2Article