Schubert, Peter J.2020-10-062020-10-062001Schubert, P. J. (2001). Robust Automated Airbag Module Calibration. SAE Transactions, 110, 147–151. sophistication of electronic safety systems requires more advanced tools for design and optimization. Systems of safety products already being designed are becoming too interdependent to calibrate as stand-alone modules. Compounding this difficulty is the trend towards fewer test crashes and more sophisticated regulatory requirements. This paper presents a unified calibration approach to produce robust performance. First, the set of crash samples are extended using statistical techniques. Then an automated calibration tool using Genetic Algorithms is used to provide robust performance against deployment requirements. Finally, an expert systems is employed to ensure logical behavior. Together, these powerful methods yield calibrations which out-perform manual calibrations and can be completed in far less time.en-USAirbagAutomated CalibrationRobust Automated Airbag Module CalibrationArticle