Burch, John W.Blazer-Yost, Bonnie2018-07-162018-07-161981-08John W. Burch and Bonnie Blazer-Yost. Acetylation of albumin by low doses of aspirin. Thrombosis Research. (1981).https://hdl.handle.net/1805/16677Aspirin has a variety of pharmacologic actions, which are expressed at different doses of the drug. An effect on platelet function occurs at very low doses of aspirin (1,2). Indeed, a large number of clinical trials have been carried out to assess whether low to moderate doses of aspirin (180 to 1500 mg per day) taken prophylactically will affect the natural history of a variety of diseases in which thrombosis is thought to play a role (3).AspirinSerum AlbuminThrombosisAcetylation of albumin by low doses of aspirinArticle