Towers, George2020-03-232020-03-232020-03Towers, George. (2020 March). Discussion: Your IUPUI+ Profile. The Digital Teaching Repository, IUPUI. DOI: 10.7912/paxy-e262"Discussion: Your IUPUI+ Profile" is designed to be the first discussion of the semester in an online class. It would also be suitable for a face-to-class class. This discussion serves the following purposes: 1. It is an "icebreaker" that causes the students to get to know each other. 2. It familiarizes the students with the IUPUI+ Learning Profiles in a personal way. For example, the initial post requires students to personally identify with one of the profiles. 3. The initial post and the feedback post require students to reflect on their responsibilities in the learning process. In other words, by participating in the discussion, many students take ownership of their learning. 4. The feedback post requires students to self-critically assess their approach to learning. For example, many students report that they would like to be more of a "Communicator."en-USAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalLearning ProfilesIUPUIIUPUCProfiles of Learning for Undergraduate Succes (PLUS)Online LearningDiscussion: Your IUPUI+ ProfileLearning Object