Shewale, Mahesh S.Razban, AliDeshmukh, Suhas P.Mulik, Sharad S.Zambare, Hrishikesh B.2019-10-032019-10-032018-04Shewale, M. S., Razban, A., Deshmukh, S. P., Mulik, S., & Zambare, H. B. (2018). Design and Experimental Validation of Voice Coil Motor for High Precision Applications. 2018 3rd International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), 1–6. structures are extensively beneficial when differentiated with conventional inflexible body structures where point accuracy positioning is strongly required extending in the range of microns. To fulfill clear and accurate positioning requirements, we come up with the solution of voice coil motors (VCM) with position estimator algorithm. Appropriate magnet and coil assembly is designed by considering the ultimate force for the application. Voice coil motor components are fabricated on milling machine and then assembled. This VCM is incorporated with dSPACE DS1104 R&D controller with the help of linear current amplifier (LCAM) which controls VCM with respect to desired amplitude and frequency. Displacement of coil of VCM is detected with respect to fixed magnet by using linear variable differential transformer (LVDT) which generates analog voltage signal in relation with motion of coil. Static characteristic such as stiffness is determined using force-deflection plot and dynamic characteristic like damping factor and frequency response are estimated with the help of transient response obtained by providing step input to the motor. Further, PID controller is implemented on this VCM and it is error observed is less than ±0.S microns.enPublisher Policyvoice coilFinite Element Analysissystem identificationDesign and Experimental Validation of Voice Coil Motor for High Precision ApplicationsConference proceedings