Hentea, CristianaCheng, Erika R.Bauer, Nerissa S.Mueller, Emily L.2019-05-102019-05-102018-08Hentea, C., Cheng, E. R., Bauer, N. S., & Mueller, E. L. (2018). Parent-centered communication at time of pediatric cancer diagnosis: A systematic review. Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 65(8), e27070. https://doi.org/10.1002/pbc.27070https://hdl.handle.net/1805/19243There are limited data focused on parental communication needs surrounding the time when a child is diagnosed with cancer. In this systematic review, we synthesized current literature on communication preferences of parents at the time of their child's diagnosis of cancer. We identified 16 studies that yielded 4 major themes parents recognized as important: communication style, content, logistics, and healthcare team. We further identified several concepts that inform parent‐centered communication practice. The ensuing pediatric oncology parent‐centered communication concept map is meant as a tool to expand providers’ communication experience at the time of a new cancer diagnosis.enPublisher Policyparent‐centered communicationparent‐provider communicationParent‐centered communication at time of pediatric cancer diagnosis: A systematic reviewArticle