Carter-Harris, Lisa2016-10-272016-10-272015-05Carter-Harris L. An Introduction to Key Event Mapping: A Primer for Nurse Researchers. Applied nursing research : ANR. 2015;28(2):83-85. doi:10.1016/j.apnr.2015.01.003. fully understand the events leading to a diagnosis, retrospective recall can help nurse researchers reconstruct important health behavior-related events. However, retrospective recall can be a challenge. Key event mapping offers nurse researchers a method beyond retrospective chart review to elicit date data to explore the pre-diagnosis time frame of an illness. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the key event mapping method to nurse researchers in search of a method of eliciting date data from participants when designing research studies that include a retrospective recall component.en-USPublisher PolicyCalendar land marking techniqueKey event mappingMethodRetrospective recallAn introduction to key event mapping: A primer for nurse researchersArticle