Troutman, BlakeTuceryan, Mihran2024-02-072024-02-072022-03-23Troutman, B., & Tuceryan, M. (2022). Registration and Localization of Unknown Moving Objects in Monocular SLAM. 2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Reality (ICIR), 43–48. reality (AR) applications require constant device localization, which is often fulfilled by visual simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). SLAM provides realtime camera localization by also dynamically building a 3D map of the environment, but the functionality of SLAM systems generally stops here. Useful applications of AR could make great use of additional information about the environment, such as the structure and location of moving objects in the scene (including objects that were not previously known to be separate from the static points of the map). We present an approach for solving the visual SLAM problem while also registering and localizing moving objects without prior knowledge of the objects’ structure, appearance, or existence. This is accomplished via analysis of reprojection errors and iterative use of the ePnP algorithm in a RANSAC scheme. The approach is demonstrated with the accompanying prototype system, LUMO-SLAM. The initial results achieved by this system indicate that the approach is both sound and potentially viable for some practical applications of AR and visual SLAM.en-USPublisher PolicySLADynamic SLAMLocalizationRegistrationMoving ObjectsMonocular VisionPhotogrammetryRegistration and Localization of Unknown Moving Objects in Monocular SLAMConference proceedings