Jones, AlanGolub, Michael2019-03-202019-03-202018-06Jones, A., & Golub, M. (2018). Effectiveness of Current-generation Virtual Reality-based Laboratories. Presented at the 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition. Retrieved from curricula in engineering and science disciplines in both secondary and post-secondary education include extensive laboratory experiences. Current generation virtual reality (VR) hardware such as the HTC Vive and the Oculus Rift allow for unprecedented immersive capability such that virtual reality based laboratories may be able to overcome the deficiencies of current virtual labs and tele-operated equipment and provide students with a functional equivalent to the situated learning that occurs in traditional hands-on laboratories. Financial considerations and the interest to deliver more distance-education based courses may encourage more programs to utilize VR laboratory experiences versus traditional laboratories. This paper reports on the perceived effectiveness of using a VR laboratory developed with current generation (HTC Vive) VR equipment in place of a traditional laboratory.enPublisher Policyvirtual realityVR laboratoryVR equipmentEffectiveness of Current-generation Virtual Reality-based LaboratoriesConference proceedings