Kollazhi Manghat, SuryaEl-Sharkawy, Mohamed2021-02-052021-02-052019-09Manghat, S. K., & El-Sharkawy, M. (2019). Forward Collision Prediction with Online Visual Tracking. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES), 1–5. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICVES.2019.8906291https://hdl.handle.net/1805/25161Safety is the key aspect when comes to driving. Self-driving vehicles are equipped with driver-assistive technologies like Adaptive Cruise Control, Forward Collision Warning system (FCW) and Collsion Mitigation by Breaking (CMbB) to ensure safety while driving. This paper proposes a method by following a lean way of multi-target tracking implementation and 3D bounding box detection without processing much visual information. Object Tracking is an integral part of environment sensing, which enables the vehicle to estimate the surrounding object’s trajectories to accomplish motion planning. The advancement in the object detection methods greatly benefits when following the tracking by detection approach. This will lead to less complex tracking methodology and thus decreasing the computational cost. Estimation based on particle filter is added to precisely associate the tracklets with detections. The model estimates and plots bounding box for the objects in its camera range and predict the 3D positions in camera coordinates from monocular camera data using a deep learning combined with geometric constraints using 2D bounding box, then the actual distance from the vehicle camera is calculated. The model is evaluated on the KITTI car dataset.enPublisher Policyautonomous vehiclescameratrackingForward Collision Prediction with Online Visual TrackingConference proceedings