Rydberg, JasonGrommon, EricHuebner, Beth M.Bynum, Timothy S.2014-07-252014-07-252014Rydberg, J., Grommon, E., Huebner, B. M., & Bynum, T. (2014). The effect of statewide residency restrictions on sex offender post-release housing mobility. Justice Quarterly, 31(2), 421-444.https://hdl.handle.net/1805/4699Securing stable housing may be difficult for returning offenders in general, and these concerns may be exacerbated for sex offenders. In addition to the barriers faced by other returning offenders, sex offenders face intense stigma and once released to the community, they are also subject to additional legal restrictions. The current study explores the effect of statewide residency restriction policies on housing mobility using a unique sample of male sex offenders released in a Midwestern state. The research is based on a quasi-experimental cohort control group design and it describes the frequency and correlation of movement for pre- and post-statewide residency restriction legislation samples. Sex offenders released after the implementation of residency restrictions moved more often and had relatively high degrees of housing mobility compared to offenders released prior to the legislation. The results have important implications for reentry programming and post-release services for sex offenders.en-USsex offendersresidency restrictionsThe Effect of Statewide Residency Restrictions on Sex Offender Post-Release Housing MobilityArticle