Spivey, ErinCrawford, JaraKaur, AmarpreetMagee, LaurenGrommon, Eric2023-09-072023-09-072022-06-12Spivey, E., Crawford, J., Kaur, A., Magee, L., & Grommon, E.. (2022, June 12). Media Reported Fatal and Non-Fatal Shooting Trends June 9-11, 2023 Marion County, Indiana.https://hdl.handle.net/1805/35427BACKGROUND The weekend of June 9 through June 11, 2023 saw a wave of gun violence involving victims of all ages and circumstances. OBJECTIVE Examine trending in type, time, location, and demographics of media reported fatal and non-fatal shooting incidents and victims in Marion County from June 9-11, 2023. KEY FINDINGS The media reported a total of 21 shootings in Marion County involving 26 victims from June 9 through June 11. The total number of shootings and victims in 2023 is higher than the same weekend (Friday-Sunday) in previous years. Totals are the highest reported of any weekend (Friday-Sunday) since IGVP began collecting data in 2020. A majority of shooting victims were adults (69%) while 15% were juveniles and 15% were reported with an unknown age. Based upon media reports, June 11, 2023 is the single day with the most shooting victims in 2023, with 11 victims involved in 8 shootings. Noted trends: The victim arrived at the hospital on their own in 27% of incidents. A reported arrest was made or person detained in 19% of shootings. Nineteen percent of shootings stemmed from a non-domestic dispute. Multiple victims were involved in 19% of incidents. Fourteen percent of victims were accidentally shot and all accidental shootings involved juvenile victims. Self-inflicted gunshot injuries made up 8% of the total.en-USinjury preventionfirearm violenceMedia Reported Fatal and Non-Fatal Shooting Trends June 9-11, 2023 Marion County, Indiana.Report