Li, ChaofanZhu, BiboSon, Young MinWang, ZhengJiang, LiXiang, MinYe, ZhenqingBeckermann, Kathryn E.Wu, YueJenkins, James W.Siska, Peter J.Vincent, Benjamin G.Prakash, Y. S.Peikert, TobiasEdelson, Brian T.Taneja, ReshmaKaplan, Mark H.Rathmell, Jeffrey C.Dong, HaidongHitosugi, TaroSun, Jie2021-05-052021-05-052019-09-17Li, C., Zhu, B., Son, Y. M., Wang, Z., Jiang, L., Xiang, M., Ye, Z., Beckermann, K. E., Wu, Y., Jenkins, J. W., Siska, P. J., Vincent, B. G., Prakash, Y. S., Peikert, T., Edelson, B. T., Taneja, R., Kaplan, M. H., Rathmell, J. C., Dong, H., … Sun, J. (2019). The Transcription Factor Bhlhe40 Programs Mitochondrial Regulation of Resident CD8+ T Cell Fitness and Functionality. Immunity, 51(3), 491-507.e7. Helix-Loop-Helix Transcription FactorsCD8-Positive T-LymphocytesGene Expression RegulationHomeodomain Proteinstissue resident memory T celltumor-infiltrating lymphocytesBhlhe40mitochondriaepigeneticTubastatin AacetatePD-L1metabolismThe Transcription Factor Bhlhe40 Programs Mitochondrial Regulation of Resident CD8+ T Cell Fitness and FunctionalityArticle