Brandon-Friedman, Richard A.2020-10-012020-10-012018Brandon-Friedman, R. A., & Folaron, G. (2018). Coming out in rural America: The case of Emilio Hernandez. In J. Riebschleger & B. J. Pierce (Eds.), Rural child welfare practice: Stories from the field (pp. 151-166). Oxford University Press. following case vignette will takes the reader into to a rural, Hispanic, Catholic home in which both Emilio, a 17-year-old high school student, and his family are struggling with his sexual orientation, experimentation, and coming out process. As the case progresses, the school social worker and the Department of Child Services become involved and the word of family troubles spreads throughout the rural community. The challenges faced by Emilio and his family are explored, the importance of social capital in a rural community is demonstrated, and the efforts of professionals to intervene become evident.en-USRural AmericaSexual IdentitySexual Minority YouthComing Out in Rural America: The Case of Emilio HernandezBook chapter