Lawrence, RoxyPurcell, JacobPeña, RachellCamacho-Reyes, Karla2021-04-222021-04-222021-04Lawrence, R., Purcell, J., Peña, R., Camacho-Reyes, K. (2021).Future 2Gen programming in Indiana: policies to advance 2Gen programming. Center for Research on Inclusion and Social Policy at IU. to promote two-generational (2Gen) programming in Indiana rely heavily on collaboration, coordination across agencies and sectors, sharing data, and leveraging existing resources to help families achieve self-sufficiency and economic stability. Across Indiana, 2Gen programming exists in nonprofits and state agencies. However, these services are often siloed, resulting in few opportunities to collaboratively develop solutions and implement policies that address barriers to financial success. To maximize existing resources and efforts, it is important to create and implement policy solutions that more effectively elevate 2Gen services and achieve greater communication and coordination across entities. This brief highlights principles, policies, and practices for successfully promoting 2Gen programming within the state of Indiana.Family and youthHuman servicesNeighborhood and community developmentFuture 2Gen programming in Indiana: policies to advance 2Gen programmingArticle