Baker, Edward L.Boedigheimer, Steven F.Moffatt, SharonAltman, DavidCastrucci, Brian C.Halverson, Paul K.2019-02-072019-02-072018-07Baker, E. L., Boedigheimer, S. F., Moffatt, S., Altman, D., Castrucci, B. C., & Halverson, P. K. (2018). Preventing Leader Derailment-A Strategic Imperative for Public Health Agencies. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice: JPHMP, 24(4), 400–403. health leaders, such as those who serve as state health officials (SHOs), routinely face challenges that are uncertain and complex. Those who reflect on the challenges they face and use those reflections to improve themselves and their teams develop into more effective leaders. Not addressing challenges can lead to the risk of premature “derailment.” In this column, we review research from the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL), a global authority in leadership development, which explores the underlying dynamics of derailment. We also share insights gained from ongoing research into SHO success discussed in prior Management Moment columns.1 , 2 Finally, we offer several thoughts on strategies for preventing derailment among senior public health leaders.enPublisher Policypublic healthleadership developmentderailmentPreventing Leader Derailment—A Strategic Imperative for Public Health AgenciesArticle