Wilkerson, David A.Wolfe-Taylor, Samantha N.Kinney, M. Killian2019-11-152019-11-152019Wilkerson, D., Wolfe-Taylor, S., & Kinney, M. K. (2019). Adopting e-Social Work Practice: Pedagogies for Student Decision-Making to Address Technology Uncertainty. Journal of Social Work Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/10437797.2019.1661920https://hdl.handle.net/1805/21355Student technology uncertainty was investigated in an introductory e-Social Work (e-SW) practice course. e-SW practice includes technology-mediated advocacy, research, and services delivery. A convergent parallel mixed methods design included pre- and post-test e-SW self-efficacy surveys and student reflections. There were significant measurable changes in the practice self efficacy scale and sub-scales. Thematic analysis demonstrated the course addressed student needs for increasing their knowledge and confidence prior to engaging in e-SW practice. Privacy and security regulation compliance showed the least increase in self-efficacy and should be an area for further development in future e-SW courses. The findings contribute to a growing literature supporting the need for investment in harnessing technology for future growth in the field of social work.enPublisher Policysocial work educationdistance educatione-social work practiceAdopting e-Social Work Practice: Pedagogical Strategies for Student Decision Making to Address Technology UncertaintyArticle