Heckman, Caroline A.Miller, Derryl J.Kremer, Kelly M.Martinez, Mesha L.Jea, Andrew H.2024-02-222024-02-222023-06-30Heckman CA, Miller DJ, Kremer KM, Martinez ML, Jea AH. An ischemic myelopathy case series: Flaccid paraplegia following a spike ball save and numbness while walking normally. Brain Circ. 2023;9(2):107-111. Published 2023 Jun 30. doi:10.4103/bc.bc_80_22https://hdl.handle.net/1805/38626Spinal cord infarctions in children are rare and early magnetic resonance imaging studies are often negative. A high clinical suspicion must be maintained to identify stroke and initiate workup for underlying etiology to suggest appropriate treatment. We present two cases of spinal cord infarction without major preceding trauma. The first was caused by disc herniation and external impingement of a radiculomedullary artery and the second was due to fibrocartilaginous embolism with classic imaging findings of ventral and dorsal cord infarctions, respectively. These cases were treated conservatively with diagnostic workup and aspirin, though additional treatments which can be considered with prompt diagnosis are also explored in our discussion. Both cases recovered the ability to ambulate independently within months. Case 1 is attending college and ambulates campus with a single-point cane. Case 2 ambulates independently, though has some difficulty with proprioception of the feet so uses wheelchairs for long-distance ambulation.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 InternationalArtery of AdamkiewiczFibrocartilaginous embolismRadiculomedullary arteryStrokeSurfer’s myelopathyAn ischemic myelopathy case series: Flaccid paraplegia following a spike ball save and numbness while walking normallyArticle