McNeese, Michael D.Pfaff, Mark S.Connors, Erik S.Obieta, Joaquin F.Terrell, Ivanna S.Friedenberg, Marc A.2012-10-042012-10-042006McNeese, M. D., Pfaff, M. S., Connors, E. S., Obieta, J. F., Terrell, I. S., & Friedenberg, M. A. (2006). Multiple vantage points of the common operational picture: Supporting complex teamwork. In Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (pp. 467-471). Santa Monica, CA: HFES Press.doi:10.1177/154193120605000354 paper summarizes multiple perspectives of the common operational picture (COP) in military and civilian crisis management domains viewed from three vantage points: historical, conceptual, and practical. The term COP extends prior research on large group displays to describe a visual representation of tactical, operational, and strategic information intended to generate situation awareness. We present four strata of interest to formulate an innovative conceptual framework of the COP based on user-team needs: structure, representation, processes, and management. This conceptual framework is applied as part of a review of recent and ongoing projects that examines current research gaps in the application of geographic information systems (GIS) to international humanitarian response.enTeamworkGeographic Information SystemsCommon Operational PictureLarge Group DisplayMultiple vantage points of the common operational picture: Supporting International TeamworkArticle