Risam, RoopikaGuiliano, JenniferBrown, AleiaParham, MarisaMuñoz, Trevor2023-09-192023-09-192022-04-19Risam, Roopika, Guiliano, Jennifer, Brown, Aleia, Parham, Marisa, Muñoz, Trevor. Editors’ Note: April 2022. Reviews in Digital Humanities. 2022;III(4).https://hdl.handle.net/1805/35627Welcome to the April 2022 issue of Reviews in Digital Humanities, which is the first of our two-part special issue on Black DH. Given our commitment to making Reviews as space that supports the formation of review communities for areas of scholarship that have not been as recognized in digital humanities communities as they should be, we are delighted to share this special issue, guest edited by Aleia Brown, Marisa Parham, and Trevor Muñoz.en-USAttribution 4.0 InternationalBlack Digital HumanitiesEditors' Note: April 2022Article