Marrero, David G.Hardwick, Emily J.Staten, Lisa K.Savaiano, Dennis A.Odell, Jere D.Frederickson, KarenSaha, Chandan2013-07-222013-07-222013-06-06Marrero DG, Hardwick EJ, Staten LK, Savaiano DA, Odell JD, Comer KF, Saha C. Promotion and Tenure for Community-Engaged Research: An Examination of Promotion and Tenure Support for Community-Engaged Research at Three Universities Collaborating through a Clinical and Translational Science Award. Clin Transl Sci. 2013 Jun;6(3):204-8. is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Marrero DG, Hardwick EJ, Staten LK, Savaiano DA, Odell JD, Comer KF, Saha C. Promotion and Tenure for Community-Engaged Research: An Examination of Promotion and Tenure Support for Community-Engaged Research at Three Universities Collaborating through a Clinical and Translational Science Award. Clin Transl Sci. 2013 Jun;6(3):204-8, which has been published in final form at Community engaged health research, an approach to research which includes the participation of communities, promotes the translation of research to address and improve social determinants of health. As a way to encourage community engaged research, the National Institutes of Health required applicants to the Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) to include a community engagement component. Although grant-funding may support an increase in community engaged research, faculty also respond to the rewards and demands of university promotion and tenure standards. This paper measures faculty perception of how three institutions funded by a CTSA support community engaged research in the promotion and tenure process. Methods: At three institutions funded by a CTSA, tenure track and non-tenure track faculty responded to a survey regarding perceptions of how promotion and tenure committees value community engaged research. Results: Faculty view support for community engaged research with some reserve. Only 36% agree that community engaged research is valued in the promotion and tenure process. Discussion: Encouraging community engaged scholarship requires changing the culture and values behind promotion and tenure decisions. Institutions will increase community engaged research and more faculty will adopt its principles, when it is rewarded by promotion and tenure committees.en-USEpidemiologyPsychosocialStatisticsPromotionTenureCommunity engagementPromotion and tenure for community-engaged research: An examination of promotion and tenure support for community-engaged research at three universities collaborating through a Clinical and Translational Science AwardArticle