Westphal, Steven M.Jani, ManishBadve, Sunil2017-04-052017-04-052010Westphal, S. M., Jani, M., & Badve, S. (2010). Breast calcifications following electrical defibrillation: An unusual mammographic appearance. Radiology Case Reports, 5(2), 346. http://doi.org/10.2484/rcr.v5i2.346https://hdl.handle.net/1805/12187We present a case of a 57-year-old woman with a past medical history of end-stage renal disease and a recent history of electrical defibrillation who arrived for her annual mammogram with no breast-related complaints. The mammogram showed interval development of unusual clusters of heterogeneous calcifications. The patient underwent stereotactic core-needle biopsy for definitive diagnosis. The pathologic evaluation revealed fibrosis, abnormal adipocytes, and calcifications with no evidence of malignancy. The constellation of findings was consistent with fat necrosis and fibrosis related to tissue damage sustained during the recent defibrillation.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United StatesCTcomputed tomographyBreastdefibrillationBreast calcifications following electrical defibrillation: An unusual mammographic appearanceArticle