Xiao, HonglinBittar, Peter G.Wolverton, Jay E.2022-03-042022-03-042020-10Xiao, H., Bittar, P. G., & Wolverton, J. E. (2020). Pedunculated atypical fibroxanthomas of the face. Dermatology Online Journal, 26(10). https://doi.org/10.5070/D32610050471https://hdl.handle.net/1805/28058Atypical fibroxanthomas are rare, superficial dermal tumors. Most cases are benign and only locally destructive with a low rate of metastasis. Lesions are most commonly found on sun-exposed sites of elderly light-skinned patients and present as asymptomatic nodules with irregular borders; ulcerations and friability are other key characteristics. Pedunculated lesions, however, are rarely described in the literature. We present two cases of atypical fibroxanthoma manifesting as exophytic, pedunculated lesions on the face: one in a 74-year-old man and the other in an 82-year-old woman. These tumors are very effectively treated by excision with Mohs micrographic surgery.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalatypical fibroxanthomassurgical dermatologyMohs micrographic surgeryPedunculated atypical fibroxanthomas of the faceArticle