Pang, Peter S.Collins, Sean P.Butler, JavedChioncel, Ovidiu2019-09-062019-09-062018-07Pang, P. S., Collins, S. P., Butler, J., & Chioncel, O. (2018). Mihai Gheorghiade MD – Life and Concepts. American Journal of Therapeutics, 25(4), e453. do you capture an idea, shape it, and then bring it into the world? Of his many talents, this ability was a fundamental characteristic of Mihai Gheorghiade. A quick glance through PubMed confirms his prodigious output, likely to overwhelm any novice or even expert scholar. His contribution to heart failure, especially acute heart failure (AHF), is profound, He authored several major concepts in acute heart failure, disseminated further by his students. Most concepts remained indelibly linked to his name: Digoxin trials research(1–3), AHFS (acute heart failure syndromes) definition(4), hemodynamic congestion(5), hospitalized heart failure (HHF) (6), the vulnerable phase(7,8), neutral hemodynamic agents(9), registries(10–12) and pre-trial registries(13), the “6-axis model”(14) and then the “8-axis model”(15). His work shaped the field of AHF.en-USPublisher PolicyAcute diseaseCardiologyCardiotonic agentsDigoxinHeart failureHemodynamicsMihai Gheorghiade, MD-Life and ConceptsArticle