Ezzeddine, Fatima M.Dandamudi, Gopi2018-11-092018-11-092018Ezzeddine, F. M., & Dandamudi, G. (2018). Updates on His bundle pacing: The road more traveled lately. Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tcm.2018.09.018https://hdl.handle.net/1805/17749His bundle pacing (HBP) has continued to evolve over the past decade and has started to become a global phenomenon. Evidence is mounting of its clinical benefits as compared to both right ventricular and left ventricular pacing. In this paper, we review recent data in support of His bundle pacing and some of the challenges facing us as we advocate its increasing role in clinical practice.enPublisher PolicyHis bundle pacingheart failureleft bundle branch lockUpdates on His bundle pacing: The road more traveled latelyArticle