Santamaría Graff, Cristina2024-08-302024-08-302021Santamaría Graff C. Co-investigation and co-education in ‘family as faculty’ approaches: A repositioning of power. Theory Into Practice. 2021;60(1):39-50. doi:10.1080/00405841.2020.1829380 as Faculty (FAF) approaches originate from family-centered healthcare models and have been adapted in special education teacher education programs to positively influence and impact pre-service special education teachers’ dispositional understandings of working and collaborating with parents/families. However, the majority of research centered on these approaches fails to address issues of equity, specifically uneven power relationships between teachers and families. This paper expands upon FAF approaches by integrating conceptual framings linked directly to critical pedagogy, such as co-investigation and co-education, as integral components in addressing power relations between future special education teachers and multiply marginalized families of children with disabilities. Deliberate repositioning of parents/families as co-investigators/co-educators within research and teacher education programs targets uneven power dynamics to further assist future teachers in critical self-reflection of their own power and privilege in relation to the students and families with whom they will work.en-USFamily as Faculty (FAF)Critical pedagogySpecial educationTeacher preparationFamiliesCo-Investigation and Co-Education in ‘Family as Faculty’ Approaches: A Repositioning of PowerArticle