Suelzer, Joseph S.Prasad, AwadheshGhosh, RupamanjariVemuri, Gautam2016-11-032016-11-032016-07Suelzer, J. S., Prasad, A., Ghosh, R., & Vemuri, G. (2016). Effects of quantum noise on the nonlinear dynamics of a semiconductor laser subject to two spectrally filtered, time-delayed optical feedbacks. Optics Communications, 370, 209–221. report on a theoretical and computational investigation of the complex dynamics that arise in a semiconductor laser that is subject to two external, time-delayed, filtered optical feedbacks with special attention to the effect of quantum noise. In particular, we focus on the dynamics of the instantaneous optical frequency (wavelength) and its behavior for a wide range of feedback strengths and filter parameters. In the case of two intermediate filter bandwidths, the most significant results are that in the presence of noise, the feedback strengths required for the onset of chaos in a period doubling route are higher than in the absence of noise. We find that the inclusion of noise changes the dominant frequency of the wavelength oscillations, and that certain attractors do not survive in the presence of noise for a range of filter parameters. The results are interpreted by use of a combination of phase portraits, rf spectra, and first return maps.enPublisher Policysemiconductor lasersfiltered optical feedbacknoiseEffects of quantum noise on the nonlinear dynamics of a semiconductor laser subject to two spectrally ltered, time-delayed optical feedbacksArticle