Sarsani, VishalKulkarni, NikhilJanga, Sarath Chandra2022-04-152022-04-15 for IUPUI ScholarWorks inclusion in 2021.Human body harbors the most complicated microbial ecosystem. Bacteria that have co-evolved within a human context have barely been explored for secondary metabolites. These secondary metabolites are hypothesized to possess biological activities significant within the human host context. In our study, we studied conservation profiles of 203 secondary metabolite gene clusters across 16 human body sites and found that gastrointestinal tract and oral sites show the highest conservation for secondary metabolic gene clusters. We observed that majority of highly conserved metabolites belong to pathway type NRPS. Our phylogenetic analysis of highly conserved stool and oral samples revealed abundance of firmicutes, bacteroidetes and actinobacteria phylum.Abundance of Secondary Metabolites in Human MicrobiomePoster