2016-02-232016-02-231922-10Indiana State Board of Health. Monthly Bulletin. 1922; 25(10): 126.0019-6754https://hdl.handle.net/1805/8451Dr. John N. Hurty, who has been Secretary of the Indiana State Board of Health and State Health Commissioner since March 12, 1986, retired from this work October 1st.Epson Expression 10000 XL, Adobe Photoshop CS5, 1.39 MBPage 126, upper left side of page, approximately 3 x 2 inchesPrinted photograph in periodical.en-usAlthough these works may be freely accessible on the World Wide Web and may not include any statement about copyright, the U.S. Copyright Act nevertheless provides that such works are protected by copyright. Users must assume that works are protected by copyright until they learn otherwise.Hurty, John Newell, 1852-1925PortraitsDr. J.N. Hurty.still image b&w photograph