Embree, Jennifer L.Lyons, Deborah J.Adams, CynthiaHeinzman, SusanneOetting, StephanieSwenty, Connie2023-04-262023-04-262022-03Embree, J. L., Lyons, D. J., Adams, C., Heinzman, S., Oetting, S., & Swenty, C. (2022). Developing a Statewide Research Compendium: Key Points and Steps for Success. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 53(3), 106–108. https://doi.org/10.3928/00220124-20220210-041938-2472https://hdl.handle.net/1805/32626Engaging clinical nurses in nursing research requires value for the nurses and a structured process. One way to involve nurses in research is through development of a research compendium. A professional development specialist can lead the creation of a research compendium. Identifying key stakeholders, developing a technologic infrastructure, piloting the compendium, gaining feedback, and identifying outcomes that will be evaluated are key.en-USPublisher PolicyEducation, Nursing, ContinuingNursing ResearchTechnologyDeveloping a Statewide Research Compendium: Key Points and Steps for SuccessArticle