United States. National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research2006-05-232006-05-231975(OS) 76-127https://hdl.handle.net/1805/583This is a single report that includes multiple parts. Each part equates to a file. Files include parts I-IX.Part I of this report contains the official mandate. The nature and purpose of research involving the fetus are summarized in Part II. The alternative means for achieving the purposes of fetal research are summarized in Part III. Parts IV and V discuss the legal and ethical issues. Part VI contains views expressed at public hearings. Part VII explores fetal viability and death. Part VIII covers the report deliberations and conclusions. Part IX details the recommendations.4157907 bytesapplication/pdfen-USPublic DomainResearch Moral and ethical aspectsFetus Research Law and legislationAbortion Law and legislationFetal ResearchEmbryo ResearchBioethical IssuesFetal ViabilityFetal DeathReport and recommendations: research on the fetus -- Part VIITechnical ReportEmbryos, Research on 18.5.4Embryos, Human Experimentation 18.5.4Ethics Committees, National 2.4Ethical Guidelines 6Fetal Protection Policies 16.3; 9.5.5; 9.5.8Fetal Rights 9.5.8; 4.4Fetus, Human Experimentation on Aborted 18.5.4; 12.1Fetus, Legal Interests in Abortion 12.4.2Fetus, Research on 18.5.4; 18.5.3Medical Ethics 2.1Nontherapeutic Research, General 18.1Proceedings, Bioethics 2.4