Bozzo, AnthonyWilson, Jeffrey S.2015-11-162015-11-162012-04-13Anthony Bozzo and Dr. Jeff Wilson. (2012, April 13). ACCESS TO SERVICES FOR THE HOMELESS. Poster session presented at IUPUI Research Day 2012, Indianapolis, Indiana. abstractMy project is based on research done in the anthropology and geography departments by myself, Dr. Zimmerman and Courtney Singleton pertaining to homeless encampments in Indianapolis. This poster presentation illustrates locations of selected encampments and their access to service providers. Geographic information system (GIS) technologies were used to conduct a network analysis that visually shows access to services and quantifies travel time and network distance to selected service locations. The analysis presented is based on data collected by my colleagues from subjects in one specific camp describing preferred travel routes, distances traveled and services needed- prescription medication for example. I plan to apply this analytical method to other encampments to create a model of hypothetical routes based upon tow paths, walking trails and street networks.en-UShomeless encampmentsIndianapolisaccess to service providersGeographic information system (GIS)routesACCESS TO SERVICES FOR THE HOMELESSPoster