Powell, Nicholas R.Zhao, HarrisonIpe, JosephLiu, YunlongSkaar, Todd C.2022-01-272022-01-272021-10Powell, N. R., Zhao, H., Ipe, J., Liu, Y., & Skaar, T. C. (2021). Mapping the miRNA‐mRNA Interactome in Human Hepatocytes and Identification of Functional mirSNPs in Pharmacogenes. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 110(4), 1106–1118. https://doi.org/10.1002/cpt.23790009-9236, 1532-6535https://hdl.handle.net/1805/27590MiRNAs regulate the expression of hepatic genes involved in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Genetic variants affecting miRNA binding (mirSNPs) have been associated with altered drug response, but previously used methods to identify miRNA binding sites and functional mirSNPs in pharmacogenes are indirect and limited by low throughput. We utilized the high-throughput chimeric-eCLIP assay to directly map thousands of miRNA-mRNA interactions and define the miRNA binding sites in primary hepatocytes. We then used the high-throughput PASSPORT-seq assay to functionally test 262 potential mirSNPs with coordinates overlapping the identified miRNA binding sites. Using chimeric-eCLIP, we identified a network of 448 miRNAs that collectively target 11,263 unique genes in primary hepatocytes pooled from 100 donors. Our data provide an extensive map of miRNA binding of each gene, including pharmacogenes, expressed in primary hepatocytes. For example, we identified the hsa-mir-27b-DPYD interaction at a previously validated binding site. A second example is our identification of 19 unique miRNAs that bind to CYP2B6 across 20 putative binding sites on the transcript. Using PASSPORT-seq, we then identified 24 mirSNPs that functionally impacted reporter mRNA levels. To our knowledge, this is the most comprehensive identification of miRNA binding sites in pharmacogenes. Combining chimeric-eCLIP with PASSPORT-seq successfully identified functional mirSNPs in pharmacogenes that may affect transcript levels through altered miRNA binding. These results provide additional insights into potential mechanisms contributing to interindividual variability in drug response.en-USPublisher PolicymiRNAmRNAHuman HepatocytesPharmacogenesMapping the miRNA‐mRNA Interactome in Human Hepatocytes and Identification of Functional mirSNPs in PharmacogenesArticle