Pike, CaitlinMehra, BharatOdell, Jere D.St. Jean, Beth2020-01-212020-01-212019-05https://hdl.handle.net/1805/21877Social justice, including equitable access to information and bridging the digital divide, are concepts familiar to many librarians. As a result, these ideas create a natural intersection for advocacy as health information professionals. As a brief background before the panel, we will review the literature on open access and social justice to provide context for the topic, and discuss survey results from undergraduate student opinions regarding open access. Panelists will then speak to the topic from their individual perspectives, and the audience will have an opportunity to engage and ask questions.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalOpen AccessSocial JusticeHealth EquityHealth DisparityElevating the ‘open’ Conversation: Access to Health Information as a Social Justice ConcernPresentation