Carey, ChristopherNaugle, Keith E.Aqeel, DaniaOhlman, ThomasNaugle, Kelly M.2018-03-272018-03-272017-08Carey, C., Naugle, K. E., Aqeel, D., Ohlman, T., & Naugle, K. M. (2017). Active Gaming as a Form of Exercise to Induce Hypoalgesia. Games for Health Journal, 6(4), 255–261. An acute bout of moderate-to-vigorous exercise temporarily reduces pain sensitivity in healthy adults. Recently, active gaming has been rising in popularity as a means of light-to-moderate exercise and may be particularly suitable for deconditioned individuals. Whether the physical activity elicited in active games can produce a hypoalgesic effect remains unknown. The purpose of this study was to determine whether active videogames can reduce pressure and heat pain sensitivity in healthy adults. We also evaluated the relationship between the physical activity elicited by the games and the magnitude of the hypoalgesic response. Materials and Methods: Twenty-one healthy adults played four different active games on separate days, including Microsoft® Kinect Xbox® One's Fighter Within and Sports Rival's Tennis, and Nintendo® Wii™ Sports' Boxing and Tennis. Heat pain thresholds on the forearm and pressure pain thresholds (PPTs) on the trapezius and forearm were assessed immediately before and after a 15-minute active gaming or control session. Minutes spent in sedentary time and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) during active gaming were measured with an accelerometer. Results: The analyses revealed that PPTs at the forearm and trapezius significantly increased from pretest to posttest following Kinect Fighter Within. PPTs at the trapezius also significantly increased from pretest to posttest following Wii Boxing. The magnitude of the hypoalgesic response was significantly correlated with MVPA and sedentary time during gameplay. Conclusion: These results suggest that an active gaming session played at a moderate intensity is capable of temporarily reducing pain sensitivity.enPublisher Policyactive gamingexercise-induced hypoalgesiaphysical activityActive Gaming as a Form of Exercise to Induce HypoalgesiaArticle